About us
KLASSE distributes breeding and terminal boar semen from DanBred and other partners. “KLASSE’s customers located in more than 20 countries are the first to have access to the highest genetic progress.”
“KLASSE’s customers located in more than 20 countries are the first to have access to the highest genetic progress.”
DanBred genetics gives customers the best carcass quality and high productivity. In the southern part of the Netherlands, we house our superior breeding and terminal boars.
The high health status of the breeding and terminal boars is important for all customers. In addition, KLASSE has been working with a “Boar monitor program” since 2015, an individual tracking system to evaluate the performance of AI boars in breeding and commercial herds. Pig farms generate a lot of reproduction data, collecting and analyzing gives KLASSE insights that are used daily to realize further progress.
“KLASSE’s customers benefit from the enormous effort that DanBred makes together with SEGES research center to achieve the highest genetic gain.”
The collaboration with DanBred is a strategic choice. The production sites are located near to Europe’s major airports, it allows DanBred to fly the best genes to all countries worldwide. KLASSE is able to deliver semen all over the world within 24 hours. A logical reason to have the best boars at the AI-stations of KLASSE.
“KLASSE supplies genes to important breeding farms around the world.”
KLASSE’s AI- stations are equipped with the newest techniques and safety systems. Such as cooling of incoming air and overpressure systems with air filtration. KLASSE ensures the high health status of the boars and a pleasant working environment for her employees.